Breaking News

Fact Checking Policy

Story Selection for Fact Checking: selects stories for fact checking with impartiality, free from political or situational bias. We begin by reviewing audience requests and monitor mainstream and social media for misleading information, propaganda, and viral posts. We consider the popularity of the topic and use tools such as CrowdTangle and Google Trends to stay informed. Controversial public claims and debates can also prompt the fact checking process.

Research and Investigation:
Once a claim is selected, we discuss it during an editorial meeting and determine its verifiability. We reach out to the source and seek evidence. Our focus is on source credibility and reliability, using trusted sources and expert opinions. We also use internet tools to verify viral photos or videos. If necessary, we use our national reporting network for cross-verification.

Cross-Verification: has a extensive reporting network and uses it to cross-check facts when necessary. We assign cross-verification to a different reporter to maintain impartiality. Our reports include hyperlinks to sources and evidence used.

Report Writing and Review:
We aim to present verified facts in a clear, concise and neutral manner, with an explanation of how we reached our conclusions. Reports undergo review by a copy editor before publication.

Publishing and Feedback:
After publication, we monitor feedback from readers and make updates or corrections if necessary, following our established correction policy.”